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About the Artists Custom Stained Glass
Church Windows, Panels & Classes
We are now 3 retired “old hens” who have returned to our roots and decided to share our artistic interests and endeavors with our community. Penny, a retired CRNA (& VN veteran) creates many of our designs, does pyrography ands the paper-pushing & has been working with glass for 25 years. Jeanie, who has passed, was a master glass cutter, who had worked in absolutely EVERY aspect of glass for nearly 35 years… retiring from one glass company and beginning another... did all the cutting, assembly, glass selection & glazing. We have a number of her beautiful finished panels, lamps and other creations yet for sale. Another of the old hens J.T. (retired HS teacher) is becoming a glasscraft artist, creating suncatchers, night lights and lanterns. She has taken over where her twin left off and assists in clsses, runnung the shop and learning the craft.Cindy (retired & tired from Briggs & Stratton) is a gourd artist, carving, painting and creating gourds for a variety of uses, as well as doing mosaics.
We are all professionals, who are happy to work with you and your ideas, or are open to creating something completely unique but appropriate to your use. We will give you a written estimate, create a full size pattern, have samples of the glass and if you accept, have it done by within the agreed time and cost. We make art (stained or leaded) glass panels for many uses and will build them to last, and we will only use your pattern once, they will indeed be a one-of-a-kind. We guarantee our workmanship and that our materials will be ONLY the best! You may find others “cheaper” but NOT of better quality for the price.

Our pieces professionally wrapped, crated and shipped and are hanging in homes from CA. to FL. to MN. to TX. We ship thru UPS or FedEx & fully insure your pieces. Should there be a problem during shipment, have it returned immediately by the shipper & we will make the repairs at no cost to you.
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